
İlk dəfə hədiyyəli kompaniya!!! Dekabrin 12sine kimi sifaris edən her bir kes aninda hədiyyə kompaniyasindan faydalana bilər. Şekilinizi xalcada toxut ve hədiyyənizi biz verək! Ətraflı. Son bitme tarix: 12/12/2016

Ətraflı https://www.facebook.com/ozelhediyye/photos/a.1509218459294186.1073741828.1504622066420492/1886440688238626/?type=3&theater

Partial payment opportunity

Our company cooperates with the leading banks of Azerbaijan and sells its products with the credit cards offered by the banks. You can pay for any photo carpet in any size within 3-12 months on the basis of non-interest bearing credit. If you hold any of these cards below, then make a move! Order a photo carpet!

Contact and Whatsapp

+994 50 599 50 77

Location Address

"Chirag Plaza"


Note down your phone number, our team will call you!